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Dealing with Empty Nest as a Single Parent

It may be that you and your spouse waited until the last child was out of the house before filing for divorce. Or it could be that you both drifted so far apart that Empty Nest was the catalyst for going your separate ways. In my case, it was a few years post-divorce when I had to face being by myself. My married friends have their spouses for company and go dining out or make impromptu trips to the cinema. When alone in a quiet house without another adult companion, time may seem to stand still between their visits home.

How to Get Through Empty Nest

Part of getting through Empty Nest is reframing negative thoughts and looking for what is positive. I do not have a surly teen at home, but have a cuddly feline fellow in a tuxedo who enjoys hanging out together. I have more me time to read mysteries while munching on chocolate, instead of being a chauffeur. Make sure to nurture yourself when feeling morose. One dad said what got him through the early stages of Empty Nest was knowing his son was ecstatically happy at his university. He has many friends, activities, clubs, and is engaged in his courses. Some people stay in touch daily with their kids, by a short text and catch up with a call on the weekend. They feel connected to them and still part of their lives.

Distraction helps ward off the Empty Nest Blues. Do something that you have enjoyed in the past, but maybe did not have the time to continue when raising youngsters. Some folks got back in to a sport and joined an amateur city league. I started Zumba classes the week my youngest left home. Every year, I plan get-togethers with pals for the first few days after my son goes back to college. I saved a landscaping project for immediately after his departure so I could stay busy. Please read more….http://www.divorcemag.com/blog/empty-nest-after-divorce-dealing-with-transition



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